Benefits of Blogging

First, the term blog means web log. Why would you want to post a blog? No one could possibly know all the answers to everything, right? Well that is right and wrong, because we are dealing with the Internet and the vaste knowledge of every user.

Believe it or not, everyone has valuable information. The information may not be entirely original; however, the perspective and interpretation of the information may be helpful to someone else in their search. Having a technical background, I have used search engines to find answers to problems that may  seem like common knowledge to my colleagues.

Here is a tip that to some might seem like a no-brainer, but to others it might be a revelation. Making a commercial for you organization requires four things:

  1. A digital camera with the ability to create movies.
  2. A video editor like Microsoft Movie Maker.
  3. An account with YouTube.
  4. Patience.

Now, this seems very obvious to some viewers but might be a revelation to others.

Blogging also provides the Internet with fresh content. Put all the other books and posts aside about SEO and pay attention to fresh content. Fresh content is going to draw viewers to your web site and enable viewing of your business offers. Blogging also enables your viewers to respond to your posts.

If you cannot create original content for your web site’s blog, then consider providing another blog site with a link back to an article. Do not copy and paste some one else’s blog content into your web site. That is called plagiarism and illegal.

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Mike Kniaziewicz, MIS

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