Mikhail Kniaziewicz
Mikhail (Mike) Kniaziewicz

Education: Master of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Business/e-Business
Associate, Computer Programming
Associate of Arts,Business

Experience: 18 year affiliation with Retail, Restaurant, and Transportation Industries

Hardware Experience: IBM xSeries (x345, x336, x3550), Dell (2400), Sun (220, 440)

Software Experience: Apache, Dia, Gentoo, IIS, Jackarta-Tomcat, LVM, MS 2000, MS Front Page, MS Project, MS SQL 2000, MS Visual Studio .NET, MS Visual Studio 6, MS XP, MySQL, Nagios, RHEL AS 3, RHEL AS 4, SLES8, SLES9, SLES10, Solaris 8, Solaris 9, Solaris 10, Veritas Netbackup 4.5, Veritas Netbackup 5.1, Xen

Philosophy: "There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder." President Ronald Reagan

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